Friday, May 22, 2020

The lame man story

The lame man..

Once upon a time there was a man that couldn't walk  in his whole life. The lame man was always outside
the temple begging for money. One day Peter and John came to the man and said “ Look at us
“ Peter said. The man looked at him expecting to have money from John and Peter. Peter said “
I don’t have money but I shall give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ get up and walk. “.
Peter took his hand and helped the man to get up. The man stood up for the very first time in his life and
began to walk. The man was very surprised, happy and thanked Peter. The people standing and watching
were amazed. The man walked around and was praising God. The people who knew that the man couldn't
walk before in his life. After the man was healed Peter and John went to the disciples to announce
something special. Peter told the people about whose power had healed the man. He told them about
#Jesus, when he was done many disciples decided to follow Jesus, too! Then after Peter and John made
the announcement. The captain of the temple and the sadducees who didn't believe in the resurrection
were annoyed at the disturbence. So then Peter and John were arrested overnight but many people
believed in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. On the next day the religious rulers gathered together and started
to question Peter and John by what power or by what name do you do in these things. Instantly Peter was
full of the Holy Spirit and replied '' Let it be known to all of you that by the name of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth who you crucified and God raised from the dead by his name this man stands before you and
completely healed and there is salvation in no one else. There is no other name under heaven given
among men by which we must be saved “ The rulers were astonished by the supernatural courage of
these common uneducated men. It occurred to them that they had been with Jesus finding no crime
in healing the lame man and fearing an uproar from the people who witnessed it. The rulers finally set
the men free but they warned them if they ever spoke about Jesus again they would most certainly suffer
for it. The apostles were not afraid. They knew God was more powerful than any ruler on earth.
So they continued to preach Jesus everywhere they went and the young church grew in boldness,
great power.
The End..

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